Blue Sea Press

Japanese Learning Systems

Log in to start learning kanji and accent.

Blue Sea Press

Blue Sea Press provides products to assist in learning of the Japanese language.

Product Access

Access to a product is provided by a link on the Member page.

The following images illustrate the steps for using Kanji Learning Today: Online 1.

Login screen
Member screen
KLTO1 toc
KLTO1 Set 1

Kanji Learning Today

Kanji Learning Today is a system that helps a learner remember many kanji within a relatively short period of time.

The system includes 3 online volumes and 3 corresponding workbooks.

A feature of the system is that it presents 20 kanji on each page. The user can complete several pages in a single study session. After a few sessions, the user remembers the kanji and builds a reading level.

Kanji Learning Today — Online

Study kanji on a phone, tablet, or computer.

KLTO1 phone

Each page is interactive — tap to study.

Kanji Learning Today: Online 1 is offered free of charge and will appear on the Member page.

A new user can start an account at the Signup page.

Coverage of the Kanji Learning Today Volumes

Online 1 covers the 1026 “Education Kanji” (教育漢字). The Ministry of Education specifies that these characters be taught at the Japanese elementary school level. Kanji Learning Today presents the kanji at the same grade levels as the schools, thereby helping the second language learner develop reading ability.

Online 2 presents the 1110 “Graduation Kanji”, a term selected by the editor. The Ministry of Education says these characters will be taught in middle school and high school but does not mandate which characters be taught at a particular grade. The volume, along with the Education Kanji, completes the Joyo Kanji List, which forms a baseline for literacy and circumscribes the characters allowed in official government documents.

Online 3 offers the 863 “Name Kanji” (人名用漢字). These are characters not on the Joyo Kanji List but were deemed important to be allowed to be used in the official registration of people’s names, and are for that reason approved for name use by the Ministry of Justice. For clarity’s sake, it should also be noted that the Joyo Kanji can also be used in people’s names.

Online 1 is offered free of charge and will appear on the Member page.

Online 2 and Online 3 are available for subscription.

Kanji Learning Today — Workbook

The Kanji Learning Today system includes three workbooks.

Writing the kanji boosts recognition.

write hand

Each Workbook presents the kanji with the same sequence as the corresponding Online volume. The reinforcing effect helps the user learn faster.

The workbook pages are printed on thicker-than-standard paper for easy writing.

Within the workbook, each Practice Page is accompanied by a Stroke Order Page so that the user can quickly glance at a diagram to note the correct stroke order for writing a particular kanji.

Stroke order and Practice page

A Stroke Order Page is given directly opposite each Practice Page for easy reference.

Another feature of the workbooks is the appearance of “kanji-in-kanji” entries for many kanji.


When the kanji being studied includes another kanji within its structure, the entry shows the other kanji and gives its location within the Kanji Learning Today system.

For additional information, see Kanji Learning Today.

Availability of the Workbooks

Each Kanji Learning Today workbook is available as a print-on-demand version at See details below.

A U-print STARTER workbook is offered free of charge and will appear on the Member page.


Kanji Learning Today: Workbook 1

KLTW1 cover

Kanji Learning Today: Workbook 2

KLTW2 cover

Kanji Learning Today: Workbook 3

KLTW1 cover

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard is a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand explanation of how Japanese words are accented. This helps proper pronunciation and boosts learning.

There are 12 lessons, and each lesson is presented with an online video and webpage text.

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard STARTER


Japanese Accent: Penult Standard STARTER is offered free of charge and will appear on the Member page.

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard STARTER presents Lesson 1, which introduces a few of the main concepts of the accent system.

A new user can start an account at the Signup page.

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard FULL


Japanese Accent: Penult Standard FULL is available for subscription.

Japanese Accent: Penult Standard FULL presents Lessons 1~12, which explain all of the concepts of the accent system. The system helps the user understand how to correctly pronounce Japanese.

For additional information, see Japanese Accent.

Accent Format

write hand

Each lesson of Japanese Accent: Penult Standard provides an online video. This allows the user to see and hear examples of Japanese pronunciation. The web page also includes the text so that the user can study at his or her own pace.

Accent Examples

The lessons explain accent by word categories, such as verbs and nouns. The lessons include 317 word examples and 155 sentence examples. The examples are given in specially constructed blocks that show the accent in hiragana, then again as furigana when using kanji to represent the word.

Example Word

stop ~

Example Sentence

あおくるまる。しろくるまた。 I will stop blue cars.
I stopped white cars.

Non-Intuitive Details Explained

While the central premise is clearly explained in Lesson 1, there are many non-intuitive details that are carefully described in the subsequent lessons of the series. These details concern topics such as the following.

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Other Information

See Other Information for details about Blue Sea Press.

Log in to start learning kanji and accent.